The light flickers. But only for a second. It is beckoning you, daring you for an answer. You notice a shadow duck into the wall from the corner of your eye. You are officially in a staring contest with a monitor.
A thought teases you. If you had thought about it sooner, you’d be in a better licensing state: what state has the easiest real estate exam? Massachusetts.
The state of Massachusetts takes gold for the easiest real estate exam. Massachusetts not only has one of the shortest pre-licensing courses, but at 120 questions, it is among the states with the shorter real estate exams. The Bay State also provides candidates ample time to tackle questions with a long exam duration.
Today, we’ll dive into the ten states with the easiest real estate exam and how you can use our metric system to gauge your state’s exam. By reading this review, you’ll arm yourself with insights that could save you time and a bucket of stress.
Easiest Real Estate Exam by State
Answering, “What state has the easiest real estate exam?” may not mean relocation as much as it does better preparation. Think about it, knowing the difficulty level of your state’s exam can help you better prepare for the exam.
Did I also add that knowing how easy your state’s exam is can encourage you to leave the anxiety behind on test day?
The below list is for the real estate salesperson or agent licenses.
1. Massachusetts
Home to some of the country’s best universities, the landing and settling place of the Pilgrims is no stranger to the stringent testing landscape. But if your dream is to help families buy homes, the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons has decided to take it easy on candidates.
Bay staters aspiring to hold a real estate license can enjoy a 40-hour pre-licensing course. This requirement is among the shortest in the country.
The exam is followed by a 240-minute exam. This means you will have four hours to tackle the 120 questions that make up the Massachusetts exam. Couple all these with the 70% pass mark, and you have a good probability of walking away with a real estate license in Massachusetts.
2. Alaska
The stunning mountains, vast wildlife, and beautiful night sky are not the only things to love about the Last Frontier. Though the state didn’t make it to our list of the top ten best states for real estate agents, it is undoubtedly the second-best state to test for a real estate license.
The Alaska real estate exam has 120 questions with a 240-minute timer. The pass mark is a favorable 70%
Starting your real estate journey in Alaska will demand a 40-hour pre-licensing course.
3. Arkansas
The bronze medal goes to the home of the Razorbacks. Much like our two pioneers, Arkansas has a 4-hour exam. The 240 minutes are to help you take on only 110 questions. This exam has the second-least number of questions on our list.
The Arkansas Real Estate Commission requires agents to complete a 60-hour pre-licensing course.
4. New Hampshire
Located in the Northeastern part of the country and surrounded by the White Mountains, New Hampshire also has a 240-minute exam.
The New Hampshire real estate exam has 120 questions and a 70% passing score. The first tier to licensure in the Granite State is the 40-hour pre-licensing course.
5. Kansas
The Sunflower State has a yellow-brink path for real estate licensing. Kansas is known to house Dorothy, Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and now, the country’s fifth-easiest real estate exam.
The state has a 70% pass score calculated over a 120-question exam. The total time agents have to complete the exam is 4 hours.
The pre-licensing course is 60 hours long.
6. Montana
At 113 questions, the Montana real estate exam is the third shortest exam in terms of questions. The timer for this exam is set at 240 minutes.
The Treasure State has a passing score of 70% and a 70-hour pre-licensing exam.
7. Michigan
Michigan ranked 8th among the best states to be a real estate agent, and that with good reason. The state has a 40-hour pre-licensing course requirement that is quick to fulfill.
Licensing courses are followed by a 115-question exam with a 70% passing score. Michigan has the fifth-shortest exam in the country in terms of questions.
This exam is 3 hours long.
8. South Carolina
Beyond its white sandy shores, South Carolina is the 8th easiest real estate exam. The South Carolina Real Estate Commission demands 60 hours of pre-licensing education.
The Palmetto State’s licensing exam has 120 questions to be completed in 200 minutes with a 70% passing score.
9. Florida
The Sunshine State earned a place on this list because of its exam length. At only 100 questions, Florida has the shortest exam in the country. A 63-hour pre-licensing course precedes that exam.
Candidates from the state have approximately three hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam.
10. Maine
In tenth place, we have the state decked with lobsters and clams. Maine has a 55-hour pre-licensing course and an exam populated with 120 questions.
Mainers’ total time for the exam is 240 minutes, with a passing score of 75%.
How to Choose the Best State for Your Real Estate Exam

If you want to compare a few states yourself, here are key metrics you can use when evaluating real estate exam difficulty across different states:
The Pass Rate
A passing score can give you a good baseline for gauging your likelihood of passing a state’s real estate exam on the first try. States with higher pass scores suggest the exam can be harder for most test takers.
For example, the passing score for most states is 70%. But other states like Alaska and Florida have a 75% passing score.
Number of Questions
A shorter real estate exam in terms of the number of questions suggests an exam that is easier to prepare for. This could mean a smaller testing scope. But we still advise you to use your state’s testing partner’s candidate handbook to review the official exam scope.
Length of the Exam
The longer the real estate exam, the more time you have to handle questions. This is even more true if you have a shorter exam.
Consider for a moment the Arkansas exam. It has 110 questions, and you get 4 hours to answer them. The timeframe, coupled with the number of questions, tells us that there is a better chance for real estate agents to pass this exam than the Lousinana exam, which has 135 questions over three hours.
Duration of the Pre-licensing course
An easier exam might also correlate with shorter pre-licensing education requirements. A shorter pre-licensing course may speak to fewer concepts to cover, which can translate into an easier exam.
Disclaimer: These are the ranking metrics we used as a guide to determine the probability of ease for every exam.
How to Prepare to Take a Real Estate Exam

Getting ready to take your state’s real estate licensing exam can be frightening. However, the proper preparation can set you up for success. Before you embark on this career journey, keep these exam prep tips in mind:
Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Knowing your areas of strength and weakness will guide your focus during study sessions. Do a self-assessment early on to identify where you excel and where you need more work. Be honest with yourself. Then, devote more of your study schedule to mastering struggling areas. Getting a handle on weaknesses makes room for confidence.
Review the Real Estate Exam Scope
Every state publishes details on topics tested. Get very familiar with your state’s content coverage, down to the percentage of questions on each subject. Let the scope guide how you distribute study time across domains. Refer to it constantly when making study plans.
Practice Real Estate Math
Real estate math calculations comprise around 10% of most states’ exams. Before exam day, practice running through the equations step-by-step, not just punching answers into a calculator. Build fluency around concepts like interest rates, taxes, commissions, etc.
Trust Your Preparation
Take it easy and trust your preparation. Nerves can run high leading up to exam day. Overprepare content-wise so you can walk into the exam center feeling you’ve done all you can. Get plenty of rest and nutrition. Then, take a deep breath and let your knowledge shine through. You’ve got this!
Choosing the Path of Least Resistance
Real estate licensing exams are not about a write-and-run. They are designed to help both you and your state measure your readiness to join the real estate industry.
Here at Real Estate License Wizard, we create exams. We don’t create the tests you will write on exam day. But we build the exams that will make your official exam an ace.
If you are preparing to take a real estate exam, use our real estate practice test to secure a win.
Next Steps:
Before you embark on a career in real estate, here are some steps you can take:
1. Research: Look into your state’s real estate license requirements.
2. Prepare: Take advantage of any available study materials or prep courses to help you pass your state’s exam.
3. Practice: Use practice tests to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that might appear on your state’s exam.
4. Test: Once ready, apply for the licensing exam and give it your best shot!
Are you studying in one of these states? Do you have tips or insights from taking an easy (or difficult) real estate exam? Please share them in the comments below. They could be invaluable to another aspiring real estate agent.