Free California Real Estate Practice Exam Questions (October 2024) 150+

California Real Estate Exam

1 / 150

What is the agency responsible for the enforcement of the Fair Housing Act?

2 / 150

What is the measurement or boundary between a plot of land or a building and the road onto which the plot or building fronts?

3 / 150

A mortgagor is also known as the:

4 / 150

When you borrow money to buy real estate, you give the lender a _____ against the property.

5 / 150

Choose the best answer. A lawsuit for inverse condemnation may be brought by:

6 / 150

Under a lease for a commercial property, a tenant agrees to pay $3,000 per month plus 4% of the gross monthly sales. This type of lease is called a:

7 / 150

Which of the following would be classified as “consideration” in a real estate contract?

8 / 150

The “time is of the essence” contract clause in real estate contracts generally has to do with what?

9 / 150

The real estate contract clause that almost always begins with the words "to have and to hold."

10 / 150

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impacts which type of property?

11 / 150

A lender's refusal to lend money to potential homeowners attempting to purchase property located in predominantly minority neighborhoods is

12 / 150

One individual or married couple in business alone (The most common form of business structure):

13 / 150

Closing is always the ____ step in executing a real estate transaction.

14 / 150

Which of the following contracts would best be described as a contract in which only one party makes a promise to perform an action?

15 / 150

What is the difference between a lease option contract and lease purchase contract?

16 / 150

What is an item on a property that is installed by the tenant, and is related to the tenant's business classified as?

17 / 150

Which of the following situations would a percentage lease be most commonly used in?

18 / 150

A seller is asked whether any known plumbing defects exist on her property. She replies that to the best of her knowledge there are no plumbing defects. However, unknown to her the pipes are corroded and due for replacement. Is the seller in violation of her disclosure responsibilities?

19 / 150

A parcel of real property that has an easement over another piece of property is best described as:

20 / 150

A senior housing development may refuse to rent to families if what?

21 / 150

What form of legal land description uses a plat map?

22 / 150

Market value is

23 / 150

Johnny is purchasing a house and does not want to purchase all of the furniture that is being left behind. He signs the contract on Tuesday, and on Thursday changes his mind about the furniture. He calls his agent, and they add the furniture to the contract. What is this an example of?

24 / 150

The amount borrowed is called the:

25 / 150

Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination in the buying, selling, renting or financing of housing. These laws prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, children, nationality and more.

26 / 150

What is a one-of-a-kind contract that is solely between the seller and the buyer. In this arrangement, the seller gives the buyer the option to purchase property at a given price for a set period?

27 / 150

The deed that offers the grantee the most protection. With this type of deed, the grantor makes a series of legally binding promises (called covenants) and warranties to the grantee agreeing to protect the grantee against any prior claims and demands of all persons whomsoever in regards to the conveyed land.

28 / 150

Usually, the appraiser is hired by the:

29 / 150

If a buyer refuses to go ahead with a purchase of property which he has signed a contract, what usually happens to the earnest money?

30 / 150

Which valuation method or appraisal approach involves comparing a property to other recently sold properties in the same area of similar size and condition?

31 / 150

During your time as agent you will run into many different types of people from areas across the world. Closing is called many names depending on which region of the U.S you are from. Which of the following is NOT a legal name for closing?

32 / 150

Steve (a real estate agent of five years) was at his local coffee shop with some agents from other offices. The subject of commissions came up, and agents began to compare their commission rates. What should Steve do?

33 / 150

Which action is legal as a real estate agent? (Antitrust Laws)

34 / 150

Tina and Tom are two unmarried individuals who own property with equal interests and without a right to survivorship. Which of the following forms of ownership would Tina and Tom most likely have?

35 / 150

Who or what determines the amount of an earnest money deposit?

36 / 150

Your client signs a contract to buy a house and the seller refuses to sell the house at the very last minute. Your client still wants the house. What should your client do?

37 / 150

If a seller rejects a written offer made by a buyer, changes the terms of the offer, and has the new offer delivered to the buyer, it is considered what?

38 / 150

A seller tells the listing agent that her home was treated for termites five years ago, and that there are no termites now. Before listing the property, the agent should

39 / 150

Which of the following is NOT a main element of a valid real estate contract?

40 / 150

An interest in real property which is held for the duration of the life of a designated person is called a

41 / 150

Three identical properties in a suburban neighborhood were listed at the same time in a market where demand was constant. According to the law of supply and demand, which property would have sold for the lowest price?

42 / 150

The owner of a secluded area adjacent to the ocean noticed that people from the local town walked along the shore in front of his property. The owner learned that the local citizens had been walking along this beach for half a century. The owner went to court to try to stop people from walking along the water's edge in front of his property. The owner is likely to be:

43 / 150

Which of the following best describes real property?

44 / 150

Which of the following is a lien?

45 / 150

Buyer Dan is considering buying a lot to build a single family residence. Dan hires an appraiser to appraise the lot. Which approach to value would the appraiser choose to complete the task?

46 / 150

Which of the following fits the description? "A mortgage loan available for military service members, veterans, and eligible surviving spouses; which often comes with better terms than a traditional mortgage."

47 / 150

The period over which a property may be profitably utilized is called its:

48 / 150

To whom does an agent always owe their fiduciary responsibility?

49 / 150

Which of the following best describes the term "emblements?"

50 / 150

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibits discrimination in real estate based on:

51 / 150

Which situation is legal under the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968?

52 / 150

In preparing for variable expenses in a property management budget, the property manager should set up a what?

53 / 150

Which of the following is a private land-use control?

54 / 150

Compliance with zoning ordinances is monitored through the issuance of

55 / 150

Used in connection with CERCLA and the creation of The Superfund; Retroactive liability means:

56 / 150

When a furnishing company creates materials for the construction of a house and is subsequently not paid, it may file a(n):

57 / 150

Which of the following BEST describes a contract that is voidable?

58 / 150

Earnest money should be deposited into a trust account:

59 / 150

Researching recently sold homes in the area and homes that haven't been sold in the area and comparing their prices. Is an example of

60 / 150

Restrictive covenants, are also known as

61 / 150

What is a legally enforceable obligation that arises from one or more parties due to the parties actions, conduct, or circumstances?

62 / 150

What is the document that defines the relationship between the broker and the seller?

63 / 150

When you buy real property, you gain several different kinds of rights. One of which are rights called "subsurface rights." What are subsurface rights?

64 / 150

Appraiser Larry has a set of special-purpose and public service buildings like schools, churches, and post offices, which he needs to appraise. Which approach to value would Larry, the appraiser choose to complete the task?

65 / 150

All of the following will void an offer except

66 / 150

When a home is purchased using an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM, the monthly loan payment on the mortgage will:

67 / 150

Mrs. Jackson signs an open listing on her home with three different brokers. In this case:

68 / 150

In real estate, alienation is best described as:

69 / 150

In real estate, a deed is best defined as:

70 / 150

An appraiser has been hired to prepare an appraisal report of a property for loan purposes. The property is a 25-year-old strip mall. To which approach to value should the appraiser give the greatest weight when making this appraisal?

71 / 150

A couple owns an older home in a neighborhood that is becoming a commercial area. Because of the change in the use of the land, the couple can expect the value of their parcel to increase at some future time. This is an example of the principle of

72 / 150

Which of the following two real estate contract clauses protect the lenders in some way, usually by asking for some form of payment(insurance)?

73 / 150

What does the Federal Housing Administration do?

74 / 150

A non licensed buyer negotiated the purchase of a house. During a conversation with the seller, the seller agreed to include both the washer and the dryer, in the sale, and this was included in the sales contract. In this situation, if the seller takes the appliances, what recourse (if any) does the buyer have?

75 / 150

Which business structure traditionally features a board of directors?

76 / 150

What is a written supplement or amendment to an existing will such as one affecting the transfer of real estate upon death?

77 / 150

Mrs. Jane lives in a small residential neighborhood. 100-year-old trees surround her home, and her neighbor Mr. Joe claims the trees are on his property and is planning on cutting them down. Mrs. Jane tries to reason with Mr. Joe, but he refuses to listen. Mrs. Jane files a lawsuit that includes a court order for Mr. Joe to stop his actions until they can work something out. What type of court order is this?

78 / 150

When calculating the amount of real estate taxes owed, calculations are based on what type of value?

79 / 150

What best describes an agency relationship where an agent has legal authority to act on behalf of the principal?

80 / 150

In order for a month-to-month tenancy to be legally valid which of the following MUST the contract include?

81 / 150

What is Fannie Mae’s primary responsibility?

82 / 150

A buyer and seller entered into a contract, they negotiated the sale of the side lot at the same time as the transfer of the home. What is the second document called?

83 / 150

A homeowner hired a construction company to build a swimming pool at his home. The homeowner failed to pay the bill once the work was completed and the construction company filed a lien to obtain payment of the debt. The encumbrance created is called a:

84 / 150

A property owner wishes to build a neighborhood grocery store in an area zoned for residential use. Which of the following would MOST likely be used to obtain permission to build the store?

85 / 150

If a court decides a remedy for a seller compelling them to sell the property, it is known as what?

86 / 150

If a leased premises becomes uninhabitable deliberately in an attempt to remove the tenant. What is this action called?

87 / 150

Government power is the constitutional authority and inherent power of a state to adopt and enforce laws and regulations to promote and support the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare. Escheat is

88 / 150

Even after an offer has been accepted and signed (by all parties), the buyer and seller may still choose to sign mutual release papers rather than proceed to closing. Which of the following circumstances would NOT give either party a justifiable reason to insist on a mutual release?

89 / 150

Liquidated damage is most likely to be found in which of the following documents?

90 / 150

Using a trust typically has advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of Land Trusts are:

91 / 150

Which of the following is a physical characteristic of real estate?

92 / 150

A contract agreed to and signed under duress is what?

93 / 150

The fact that land has a number of important uses is the basis for what essential element of value?

94 / 150

Mortgage points, also known as discount points, are

95 / 150

Which of the following consumers would most likely qualify and be able to derive the most benefit from a reverse mortgage?

96 / 150

Which type of lien is a claim imposed against a property without the consent of its owner?

97 / 150

A buyer was negotiating the purchase of a lot to build a new family house, the seller indicated that the land was firm enough to support the construction of a building when, in fact, the seller knew it was not. The contract is

98 / 150

What is the maximum paid out (per judgment) from the California Consumer Recovery Account?

99 / 150

As a listing agent, what obligations do you owe to an unrepresented buyer?

100 / 150

Who appoints or selects the California State Real Estate Commissioner?

101 / 150

An elderly man in a nursing home, has no family and is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Because of his Alzheimers, he doesn’t remember much. Eventually, he passes away in his sleep. There is no will for the man, and again he has no family. So what happens to the money left in his savings account and his old farm that has been left untouched since he entered the nursing home?

102 / 150

Which of the following would NOT apply to the income approach in the valuation process?

103 / 150

In California, the concept that a husband and wife are equal partners, and that any property acquired is considered to be obtained by mutual effort, is called

104 / 150

If a minor signs a contract to buy real estate, the resulting contract is legally what?

105 / 150

In most cases, a tenant in an apartment holds:

106 / 150

A salesperson working for Trinity Real Estate LLC has moved to Lotus Realty. What happens to the listings the salesperson took at Trinity Real Estate LLC?

107 / 150

The statute of frauds, applies to

108 / 150

If a legal description is too long to include in the body of a sales contract, a real estate professional should do what?

109 / 150

How many miles does a township contain?

110 / 150

What is the government issued plan to guide the long-term physical development of a particular area?

111 / 150

What is the final step of the real estate appraisal process in which the appraiser weighs each appraisal approach and determines which one is most relevant and should be used?

112 / 150

Mr. Jay lives on a property right next to a bridge. The state wants to widen the bridge due to the higher amounts of traffic reported. The state needs the space on either side of the bridge to widen the road. The government seizes Mr. Johnson’s property and gives him $150,000 for it. This government's right to take over privately-owned real for public use is an example of:

113 / 150

Which of the following statements about water rights is true? Choose the best answer.

114 / 150

The EPA requires real estate professionals to give purchasers and tenants of residential dwelling a pamphlet about Lead-Based paint if the dwelling was built before when?

115 / 150

What is the difference between a testate estate and an intestate estate?

116 / 150

The California Bureau of Real Estate (CalBRE) conducts its business in order to

117 / 150

A lease agreement where the tenant has the right to buy the property within a specified period of time is called what?

118 / 150

In the appraisal of a building constructed in the 1930s, the cost approach would be the least accurate method because of difficulties in

119 / 150

Typically a trust is a _____ -party relationship.

120 / 150

A seller made a counteroffer and gave three days for acceptance. The very next day, the seller receives a better offer, which they want to accept. What is the first step the seller should make?

121 / 150

Generally speaking, what is the most common type of contingency?

122 / 150

What is the biggest difference between private and public land use controls?

123 / 150

Who administers real estate law in California?

124 / 150

Is replacement cost and reproduction cost the same thing and if it is different, what is the difference?

125 / 150

Brokerages and real estate agents across America connect using a

126 / 150

The owner of a condominium has the use of many facilities there, including a pool. Under the typical condominium arrangement, the facilities are owned by

127 / 150

When, if all, can an executed contract be assigned?

128 / 150

What determines who pays for what and how much at closing?

129 / 150

Who funds the California Consumer Recovery Account?

130 / 150

Fees that the buyer pays to close the deal are called:

131 / 150

Which of the following statements is NOT true about radon?

132 / 150

An example of an antitrust violation is

133 / 150

Antitrust laws prohibit competing brokers from all of the following except:

134 / 150

On which of the following dates do California real property taxes become a lien on the subject property?

135 / 150

A contract for the sale of real estate that does not state the consideration to be paid for the property and is not signed by the parties is considered what?

136 / 150

A collection of federal and state government laws that regulate the conduct and organization of business corporations, normally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers.

137 / 150

The term "Licensee," is commonly used in real estate law. A licensee is just:

138 / 150

What is the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest?

139 / 150

Unlike apartments, which are leased by their tenants, condominium units are owned outright. A condominium is often shortened to

140 / 150

What hazardous substance is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause death within hours of inhalation?

141 / 150

Generally speaking, what happens when the supply of available houses in an area decreases significantly?

142 / 150

What specific formula would be used to estimate the value of a property using the income approach?

143 / 150

What is Ginnie Mae’s primary responsibility?

144 / 150

Upon passing the California State License Examination the applicant has how long to apply for their real estate license?

145 / 150

According to the Do Not Call list and Established Business Relationship (EBR) Rules, how many months does a company have to call the consumer if they made an inquiry with the company?

146 / 150

Joint tenants with a right of survivorship means

147 / 150

In a typical real estate market, if the demand for commercial office space declines and the supply of office space also declines at the same ratio, market rent per square foot should:

148 / 150

What is the highest form of real estate ownership that is recognized by law, in which the owner can enjoy the property to its fullest extent?

149 / 150

Which of the following real estate contract clauses establishes order of priorities of financial claims (liens)?

150 / 150

California state law requires that copies of purchase agreements, be kept by the broker for at least

Your score is

Hello, welcome to our California Real Estate Practice Exam.

In California, there are 150 questions on the exam. Many states have a national portion and a state portion, but California has one section combining both for a total of 150 questions. 

The two most effective study tools for the state exam are practice exams and learning the state-specific license laws. 

Our state-specific practice exam is a fantastic tool to help you grasp your state's real estate topics. It works just like the national practice exam and is updated annually. Usually, using the state practice exam is enough for students to grasp the concepts. However, if you want more, the single most important resource out there is the laws they base the questions on. 

If you haven't looked at your state's Real Estate Statutes or Regulations, it's strongly recommended.

The test makers take snippets of laws applicable to your state and use them for the questions. We use the actual state laws to create our questions, which is why some of the questions may look familiar to you. Some websites and prep providers do not, and that's the secret. You need to know your state's laws. 

Furthermore, It would be best if you read through your laws at least once, and that's the greatest advice we can give you. Trust us, we know it can be very time-consuming, but reading through each one of these will provide you with precisely the information you need to pass. 

Best of luck, reach out if you need anything,

Real Estate License Wizard Team

California Real Estate Statutes and Regulations

Here is our list of recommended Real Estate Statutes and Regulations you need to know:

California Law Home Page:

NOTE: State websites update semi-frequently and sometimes their website URLs change. If any of the links posted below do not work, please reach out and we will update the links promptly. Thank you.

California Real Estate Exam FAQ’s

Have a question about the real estate exam? Find the answers to all your real estate license questions here:

What are California’s Real Estate License Requirements?

Real estate license requirements vary from state to state. Here are California’s requirements:

  • Must be 18 years or older.
  • Must complete a background check.
  • Must complete required state approved pre-licensing courses (135 credit hours).
  • Estimated cost of total fees and license: $305

How Hard is the California Real Estate Exam?

The real estate exam is a rigorous and challenging test that weeds out those who are not committed to being skilled agents. To pass the exam in California, you’ll need to get a score of at least 70%. With a total of 150 questions, that means the score to pass is 105.

How Many Questions Can You Miss on the California Real Estate Exam?

In California, you can miss 45 questions and still pass the real estate exam.

How Many Times Can You Take the California Real Estate Exam?

There are no limits to the number of times you can take your real estate exam, but it must be passed within two years after passing through the 135-hour pre-licensing course.

What Is on the California Real Estate Exam?

The 150 multiple-choice questions on the salesperson examination cover a variety of topics that are relevant to California real estate license law. Here is what topics you are expected to know:

California General Exam Topics:

  1. Property Ownership
  2. Land Use Controls and Regulations
  3. Valuation and Market Analysis
  4. Financing
  5. General Principles of Agency
  6. Property Disclosures
  7. Contracts
  8. Leasing and Property Management
  9. Transfer of Title
  10. Practice of Real Estate

California State Exam Topics:

  1. California State License Law
  2. California Department of Real Estate (DRE) Purpose and Guidelines
  3. California Real Estate Prohibited Practices
  4. Administrative Procedure Act
  5. Unruh Civil Rights Act
  6. Holden Act

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Between our real estate prep materials, real estate practice tests, and video lessons – there is no better way to prepare for your real estate exam.

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